What types of licenses and permits are required for finishing and renovation work in Spain?

One of the main questions a client faces when preparing for construction or renovation work is obtaining permission to carry out construction and renovation work, or a construction license.
In Spain, there is a list of works for which obtaining a license is mandatory, and the category “construction works” falls under the list of works subject to licensing.
The permit for construction work in Spain is called a construction license (Licencia de obra).
All construction licenses, based on the type of work being performed, are divided into the following:
- Minor works (obra menor).
Obra menor refers to construction and renovation works that do not affect the internal distribution of premises (partitions, load-bearing structures, purpose of premises) and engineering networks.
- Major works, complex works (obra mayor).
Obra mayor refers to construction and renovation works, reconstruction, and construction that require changes in the purpose of premises, volumes, load-bearing structures, and engineering networks.
In the Catalonia region, there’s another type of permit – the notification Assabentat, which does not require an administrative response but is mandatory for conducting any, even minor, renovation works.
However, it is important to remember that any construction waste requires its disposal by special services and obtaining permission to place its collection near the construction/renovation site.
In case of collaboration, our company undertakes the responsibility of obtaining any type of permit.