Attractor Development, SL, hereinafter the COMPANY, with the registered address at Carre de Santa Fe de Nou Mexi, 17 08017 Barcelona and NIF (tax identification number) B01879949, is the owner of this Website. Use of the Website implies full acceptance by the User of all General Terms of Use of the Website at the time of access to it. Therefore, if the User does not agree with the Terms, he or she should refrain from using the Website. The COMPANY reserves the right to change these General Terms of Use at any time, as well as any other general or specific terms, conditions, rules of use, instructions, or notifications that may be applicable. Likewise, it reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the Website at any time. User access to the Website is free of charge, however, some of the services offered by the COMPANY may be subject to Special Conditions, in which case such services will be available to the User at any time. Responsibility for access, navigation, and use of the Website lies with the User, in connection with which the User agrees to use its contents diligently, correctly, and legally.


All rights over the contents of the Website belong to the COMPANY, except for the rights of the companies with which it has signed a corresponding agreement for the provision of content. The rights and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations. The User agrees that the Website has been created and developed with the use of information from internal and external sources and offers this information to the User in its current state, which means the Website may contain inaccuracies or errors. For this reason, the User releases the COMPANY from any liability concerning the reliability, usefulness, or false expectations that the Website may generate while browsing it. All contents on the Website are protected by industrial and intellectual property laws. Trademarks, names, and distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the market are the property of the COMPANY or their respective owners. The use of or access to the page does not give the User any rights to the aforementioned distinctive signs. The COMPANY authorizes the User to use, view, print, or download the contents of the Website solely and exclusively for personal use. Therefore, any posting and/or distribution of said content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, as well as its modification, change, or decompilation. Any use other than expressly authorized will require the written consent of the owner of the respective rights; failure to respond will under no circumstances be considered an alleged authorization.